-- card: 7686 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 4000 -- background id: 3149 -- name: Nobel -- part contents for background part 4 ----- text ----- Nobel -- part contents for background part 1 ----- text ----- Sir Wm. Cremer (Eng) Institut De Droit Int'l (Belg) Bertha von Suttner (Aust) T. Roosevelt (US) E. Moneta (It) & L. Renault (Fr) K. Arnoldson (Sw) & F. Bajer (Den) Beernert (Belg) & Baron de Rebecque (Fr) Bureau Int'l Permanent De La Paix (Switz) T. Asser (Hol) & A. Fried (Aust) Elihu Root (US) Henri La Fontaine (Belg) None None None Int'l Red Cross None Woodrow Wilson (US) Leon Bourgois (Fr) K. Branting (Sw) & C. Lange (Nor) Fridtjof Nansen (Nor) None None A. Chamberlain (UK) & C. Dawes (US) A. Briand (Fr) & G. Stresemann (Gr) F. Buisson (Fr) & L. Quidde (Gr) None Frank Kellogg (US) Lars Soderblom (Sw) J. Addams & N. Butler (US) None Sir Norman Angell (Eng) Arthur Henderson (Eng) Karl von Ossietzky (Gr) Carlos de S. Lamas (Arg) Lord Cecil of Chelwood (Eng) Office Int'l Nansen pour les Refugies (Switz) None None None None None International Red Cross Cordell Hull (US) Emily Balch & John Mott (US) US Friends Service Comm & UK Soc. of Friends None Lord John Boyd Orr (Scot) Ralph J. Bunche (US) Leon Jouhaux (Fr) Albert Schweitzer (Fr Eq Afr) George C. Marshall (US) Office of UN High Comm. for Refugees None None Lester B. Pearson (Canada) Rev. Dominique Georges Henri Pire (Belg) Philip John Noel-Baker (Eng) Albert John Luthuli (SoAfr) Dag Hammarskjold (Sw) Linus Pauling (US) Int'l Comm & Leaque of Red Cross (Geneva) Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (US) UNICEF None None Rene Cassin (Fr) Int'l Labor Organization Norman E. Borlaug (US) Willy Brandt (FRG) None Henry Kissinger (US) & Le Duc Tho (NVN) Eisaku Sato (Jap) & Sean MacBride (Ire) Andrei D. Sakharov (USSR) Mairead Corrigan & Betty Williams (NoIre) Amnesty International Menachem Begin (Is) & Anwar Sadat (Eg) Mother Teresa of Calcutta (Ind) Adolfo Perez Esquivel (Arg) Office of UN High Comm. for Refugees Alva Myrdal (Sw) & Alfonso Robles (Mx) Lech Walesa (Pol) Bishop Desmond Tutu (SoAfr)